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Filtering by Tag: statement

Why I want to continue leading la Francophonie

Philippe Duhamel

A little over three years ago, I was elected as secretary general of la Francophonie, an international organization of 84 member states and governments – including Canada, Quebec, New Brunswick and, lately, Ontario – on five continents.

In a world that is increasingly fractured, where no one is shielded from terrorism, political and humanitarian crises, climate disruption and forced, massive migration movements, the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)…

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Statement, January 12, 2018

Philippe Duhamel

"As January 12, marks the commemoration of the earthquake that devastated Haiti 8 years ago, it was so disturbing to hear President Trump's comments reported all over the news calling my poor native land and African countries "shithole" nations. It is such an insult before Humanity. For the First Representative of the United States of America to speak in such a manner is quite troubling and offensive."

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Congratulations to the Métis and Friends on the Daniels v. Canada Supreme Court Decision

Philippe Duhamel

I had met with Métis leaders in my days as Governor General. They told me all about their hopes that one day, they would see their rights stand tall and recognized before history. I immediately sympathized and was happy to share some of the path they walked on that long journey. 

On my last trip home to Canada, I was profoundly moved by breaking news of the Daniels v. Canada decision, as I felt its deep historical resonance, tremendous significance and great potential. So I wanted to congratulate the men and women behind this landmark decision.

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