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Filtering by Tag: presse


Philippe Duhamel

Avec plus de 2 millions de vies fauchées partout sur la planète, cette pandémie que nous ne maîtrisons pas ne cesse de nous tester. Vaincre cette épreuve, en surmonter les conséquences, exigera le plus grand esprit de fraternité humaine. Parce qu’il faut renforcer tous les gestes en faveur du vivre et du faire ensemble, le Prix Zayed pour la Fraternité humaine 2021 dévoile aujourd’hui les lauréats d’une nouvelle et prestigieuse reconnaissance annuelle.

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Former GG Michaëlle Jean says it's 'irresponsible' to deny systemic racism exists in Canada

Philippe Duhamel

Jean says Quebec Premier François Legault should know systemic racism is alive in the province

John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: Jun 16, 2020 5:00 PM ET

Former governor general Michaëlle Jean: 'The legacy is still there — racism is still raging on.' (Mathieu Thériault/CBC News)

Former governor general Michaëlle Jean: 'The legacy is still there — racism is still raging on.' (Mathieu Thériault/CBC News)

Former governor general Michaëlle Jean says it's "irresponsible" for Quebec Premier François Legault to suggest that systemic racism doesn't exist in his province.

In an interview with CBC's Power & Politics today, Jean said racism against Black and Indigenous people is deeply embedded in some of the country's institutions, and to ignore that fact is an exercise in denial.

Legault announced an anti-racism task force on Monday to root out discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities in Quebec. He continues to insist, however, that systemic racism does not exist in Quebec.

"My definition of systemic racism is that there's a system in Quebec of racism, and I don't think there's a system," he said Monday.

"We were all touched by what happened in the United States. We don't want to import the climate of confrontation," Legault said, referring to the wave of protests that erupted in response to the killing of George Floyd in police custody.

Jean said she doesn't want this moment of popular support for racial justice to focus on defining a term like "systemic racism." She said it's obvious, however, that some sectors of Quebec and Canadian society are dominated by white people and people of colour are often missing from the corridors of power.

"We come from a long legacy of hatred that we need to acknowledge, a legacy of hatred that came from the time of colonial conquest, based on white supremacy, domination, total dehumanization," Jean said.

'Racism is still raging on'

"The legacy is still there — racism is still raging on.

"But the denial becomes part of the problem. How can you address something when you don't acknowledge the situation? ... I find it very irresponsible."

Asked if Legault's hand-picked anti-racism panel — which does not include an Indigenous member — can do its work adequately if there is no acknowledgement of systemic racism, Jean said "denial" of systemic racism "is not helping."

"It has to be named," she said. "It has to be identified."

WATCH | Michaëlle Jean says denying systemic racism is 'not helping'

Denying systemic racism is 'not helping', says former GG Michaëlle Jean 2020-06-16 Former governor general Michaëlle Jean says it's "irresponsible" for Quebec Premier François Legault to suggest that systemic racism doesn't exist in the province.

Former governor general Michaëlle Jean says it's "irresponsible" for Quebec Premier François Legault to suggest that systemic racism doesn't exist in the province. 12:17

Jean, a Haitian refugee who was raised in Quebec, said she has experienced racism throughout her life, most notably when she was applying for jobs at Radio-Canada, the French-language service of the CBC.

She said one of her job interviews, in the late 1980s, was focused solely on her race, and that hiring managers repeatedly asked her if she would be able to "integrate" into an all-white newsroom.

Jean said that when one of those managers asked her if she knew she would be "the first Black person in the newsroom," she replied, "You know what? I think we're going to stop that conversation right here. I think there's a problem and I'm not the problem. The problem is on your side."

Asked about RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki's public struggle with the definition of "systemic racism," Jean said again that the focus shouldn't be on a single phrase.

She said the force has to address unconscious bias among police officers that sometimes results in excessive use of force against Black and Indigenous people because of a perception that people from these communities are somehow more "dangerous."

"It demands a constant vigilance. We need to remain constantly vigilant. This is how you ensure you have more social cohesion," she said.

'We've had enough of this'

Jean said watching the death of Floyd, a Black man, while in police custody was painful — a reflection of a police culture that has for too long ignored calls for fundamental reform.

"We've had enough of this," Jean said. "We want transformational actions to be taken. We want transformational leadership."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Justice Minister David Lametti have promised to tackle anti-Black institutional racism. "We will continue working towards a fairer justice system," Lametti said in a statement to the press. "It is simply unacceptable that some Canadians experience justice differently just because of the colour of their skin."

Beyond policing, Jean said racial disparities are evident in other sectors of society.

She noted that Black communities in Montreal have been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jean has personally lost four family members, including an aunt who was in a long-term care home.

Jean's comments about addressing systemic racism in Canada came the same day the parliamentary Black caucus issued a letter asking all levels of government to address lingering inequities.

The caucus, which includes MPs and senators from different parties, released a list of suggested changes.

Those measures include improving the collection of race-based data (which the group identified as a priority) and reforming both the police and the justice system to eliminate bias and discrimination against Black Canadians and Indigenous people.

The caucus said mandatory minimum sentences for some crimes should be eliminated entirely. Advocates have suggested that this policy sends a disproportionate number of minority Canadians to prison.

The group also wants governments to take action to better support businesses owned and operated by Black Canadians, more Black representation in the public service and greater investments in Black culture and arts.


John Paul Tasker
Parliamentary Bureau
John Paul (J.P.) Tasker is a reporter in the CBC's Parliamentary bureau in Ottawa. He can be reached at

Source: 2020-06-17 CBC News

Racisme systémique : «Derrière tout ça, il y a de la haine», dit Michaëlle Jean

Philippe Duhamel

« Ce qu’on vit en ce moment est une situation qui met en relief tous nos aveuglements. Tout ce qu’on a mis de coté, tout ce qu’on n’a pas voulu entendre, tout ce qu’on a banalisé, tout ce qu’on a négligé est en train de nous sauter au visage », s’exclame l’ex-gouverneure générale Michaëlle Jean en pensant à l’arrestation et à la mort de George Floyd.

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Racism makes life a constant struggle for Black Canadians

Philippe Duhamel

Of all the scourges afflicting humanity, the most devastating and recurrent is racism. Largely propelled by the ideological belief in the supremacy of a “white race," this infamy was forged in the fire and fury of colonial conquest, a true calamity inflicted around the globe. For centuries, colonialism feasted on the odious practice of…

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Hommage à Beji Caïd Essebsi

Philippe Duhamel

Le décès du Président Beji Caïd Essebsi est une perte immense pour le monde. De partout, nous le pleurons avec vous, Tunisiennes et Tunisiens.

Ces quelques jours de deuil national ne suffiront pas pour lui rendre hommage. Je connais peu d’hommes qui, comme lui, auront donné autant d’eux-mêmes dans l’intérêt supérieur de leur pays, avec en plus une volontaire, constante et totale humilité.

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Michaëlle Jean's Newcomer Experience

Philippe Duhamel

Michaëlle Jean, the 27th Governor General of Canada, shares her family’s experience and challenges of adapting to life in Canada. As Haitian refugees they had a tougher path than most, but it didn’t stop Madame Jean from excelling in journalism, serving as the third Secretary-General of La Francophonie, and leading her own legacy project, the Michaëlle Jean Foundation.

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Les dessous de l’appartement de Michaëlle Jean

Philippe Duhamel

La semaine dernière, un article est paru dans Le Journal de Québec et repris simultanément dans Le Journal de Montréal et TVA Nouvelles, où il était mentionné que « les contribuables canadiens épongeront des dépenses de 400 000 $ pour l’aménagement de l’appartement de fonction de l’ex-Secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Michaëlle Jean. »

Nous avons interrogé les acteurs clés, au sein et en dehors de l’Organisation, qui en savent davantage sur cette affaire, pour en savoir un peu plus sur cette histoire qui n’en finit pas de défrayer les manchettes de certains journaux.

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À VOUS LA PAROLE, Le Droit : «Nous sommes et nous serons!»

Philippe Duhamel

Que l’actuel gouvernement de l’Ontario réalise combien la langue française est un vecteur stratégique, un levier puissant, et surtout le précieux capital humain que représentent pour la province ces femmes, ces hommes et ces jeunes francophones, qui doivent pouvoir jouir de l’assurance du plein respect de leurs droits.

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Michaëlle Jean : « La Francophonie n’est pas une Alliance française »

Philippe Duhamel

Fière de son bilan, attachée à une Francophonie politique, porteuse de « valeurs universelles », la Canadienne fourbit ses armes à la veille du sommet de l'OIF, à Erevan. Non sans égratigner au passage l'« inélégance » du président français Emmanuel Macron et le « relativisme » de sa rivale, la Rwandaise Louise Mushikiwabo.  

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Michaëlle Jean plaide avec ardeur pour un second mandat à la tête de l’OIF

Philippe Duhamel

Élue en novembre 2014 à Dakar à la tête de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Michaëlle Jean est candidate à un second mandat de Secrétaire générale, face à la rwandaise Louise Mushikiwabo, ouvertement soutenue par Emmanuel Macron. Mais « fière » du bilan de son premier mandat, Michaëlle Jean n’entend rien lâcher et s’affirme « déterminée à [se] me battre jusqu’au bout pour la Francophonie ». Rencontre, à la veille du Sommet de l’OIF à Erevan, où se jouera l’élection…

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« On me prête un train de vie qui n'est pas conforme à la réalité », se défend Michaëlle Jean

Philippe Duhamel

Ce sont les 11 et 12 octobre à Erevan, en Arménie, que l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) déterminera qui la dirigera pour les quatre années à venir. Michaëlle Jean, à la tête de cette organisation depuis 2014, sollicite un deuxième mandat.

« Je connais ma capacité de mobiliser et j'en ai fait la preuve », affirme Michaëlle Jean, tout sourire, au terme d'une demi-heure d'entrevue accordée à la télévision de Radio-Canada.

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Pourquoi je veux continuer de diriger la Francophonie

Philippe Duhamel

Il y a un peu plus de trois ans, les chefs d’État et de gouvernement, réunis au sommet de Dakar, m’ont fait l’honneur de placer en moi leur confiance en m’élisant Secrétaire générale de la Francophonie, une organisation internationale qui réunit aujourd’hui 84 États et gouvernements sur les cinq continents, qui en plus de la langue française, son trait d’union pour agir, défend ardemment le multilinguisme, la diversité des expressions culturelles des peuples et se définit autour d’un humanisme intégral et des valeurs universelles.

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