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Mexico, Président, S.E. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, décembre 2009.jpg

Mexico, December 2009


State Visit to Mexico

December 6 – 9,  2009

"A broad-based flow of people, ideas, cultures, goods and capital has developed between Canada and Mexico since we first established diplomatic relations sixty-five years ago.We are cooperating more and more and at all levels, in the areas of human rights, governance, the electoral system, parliamentary affairs, arts and culture, academia and the environment, not to mention security and the urgent need to establish joint strategies to counter the threat of sophisticated, organized crime networks that have spread across the entire continent and ravage our communities."
— Michaëlle Jean, December 8, 2009


Their Excellencies the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, undertook a State visit to the United Mexican States, from December 6 to 9, 2009.

While in Mexico, the Governor General gave a speech before the Senate that highlighted the importance of the relationship between Canada and Mexico in the North American context. Her Excellency also took part in a seminar on Canada-Mexico relations that addressed joint security in North America, cultural diversity and economic competition. Mexican university students, members of the Mexican Congress and Canadian academics all took part in this event. His Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond also hosted an Art Matters forum. He was accompanied by Canadian Delegates to the National University of Mexico (UNAM) for a discussion on arts, new media and cultural diversity.

Mexique, décembre 2009 — Leurs Excellences la très honorable Michaëlle Jean, gouverneure générale du Canada, et monsieur Jean-Daniel Lafond ont rencontré Son Excellence monsieur Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, président des États-Unis du Mexique, à l’occasion de leur visite d’État, du 6 au 9 décembre 2009. Après l'accueil avec honneurs militaires à Los Pinos, à Mexico, la gouverneure générale s’est entretenue avec le président pour discuter des relations bilatérales, de l’engagement du Canada dans la région, de la sécurité, de la coopération économique et les liens qui unissent leurs populations. La rencontre a été suivie d’une déclaration devant les médias. Le 8 décembre 2009, la gouverneure générale s'est adressée aux membres du Sénat des États-Unis du Mexique.

Art Matters on New Media and Cultural Diversity

Visit in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas

December 8, 2009—His Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond hosted an Art Matters Forum at the University Museum of Contemporary Arts, National University of Mexico (UNAM), in Mexico City.

His Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond hosted an Art Matters forum. He was accompanied by Canadian Delegates to the National University of Mexico (UNAM) for a discussion on arts, new media and cultural diversity.

Mr. Lafond launched the discussion on the theme of the arts, new media and cultural diversity in his opening remarks addressed to panellists and students. He emphasized the importance of the arts as a key element in building a cultural identity in a society.

December 9, 2009 — The Governor General Meets with the Local Community
of San Cristóbal in Chiapas (Mexico).

On the final day of her State visit to the United Mexican States, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, went to San Cristóbal de Las Casas, where she met with citizens and representatives from five non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to supporting women, youth and Indigenous groups in the region, among others. The projects from these organizations are funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. 

The discussion focused on the current situation of Indigenous women and youth in Chiapas, and the challenges they face.



  • 2009-12-07 MEXICO Welcoming Ceremony  (PDF)
  • 2009-12-07 MEXICO State Luncheon  (PDF)
  • 2009-12-08 MEXICO Youth Seminar  (PDF)
  • 2009-12-08 MEXICO Chamber of Commerce  (PDF)
  • 2009-12-08 MEXICO Senate  (PDF)
  • 2009-12-08 MEXICO Dinner in Chiapas  (PDF)

See other visits