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Celebrating Our Shared Humanity: A Global Dignity Gathering


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Celebrating Our Shared Humanity: A Global Dignity Gathering


A cocktail party to support Global Dignity's work empowering young people to build a world where compassion, understanding and love triumph.

New York City
Mon, September 23, 2019

7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT

About this Event

Join us for an intimate cocktail party at the New York City home of Kevin McGovern, Founder of SoBe Water, to support and learn more about Global Dignity.

Global Dignity is an international non-profit founded by three Young Global Leaders and dedicated to empowering young people to embrace the values and principles of dignity. 

7:30pm: Cocktails

8:30pm: Program

  • Remarks by Crown Prince Haakon of Norway, Global Dignity Co-Founder and Young Global Leader; the Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean, Former Governor General of Canada and Global Dignity Honorary Board; and Kader Kaneye, Founder and President of African Development University and Global Dignity Country Chair for Niger

  • Performance by Sony Music recording artist Elle Winter

About Global Dignity

Global Dignity is building a global movement rooted in our shared humanity and based on a simple idea: every single person deserves to live a life of dignity.

We are a network of leaders in over 70 countries who engage nearly one million young people across the world each year in the meaning and transformative power of dignity—everyone's inherent value. 

Since Global Dignity's founding at the World Economic Forum in 2006, we have reached 2.4 million children and young people. Through our Teaching Dignity initiative in schools, universities, refugee camps, community centers and workplaces, young people—and people of any age—are inspired to embrace values of tolerance, inclusion and empathy. 

Once these values are deeply understood, profound changes can take place—from stopping bullying and discrimination to healing and strengthening entire communities.

Our times demand that we do even more. We will expand our leadership network to 100 countries by the end of 2020, giving us the ability to reach well over one million people each year. We are also launching a number of initiatives to both deepen our impact and expand our reach. 

Your support is critical to helping us achieve these goals. 

Thank you for standing with Global Dignity as we work to build communities and a world where compassion, understanding and love triumph over intolerance, injustice and inequality. 

Host Committee

Kevin McGovern, Founder of SoBe Water

John Osborn, Chief Executive Officer of OMD USA, Global Dignity Board Chair and Young Global Leader

Candice Beaumont, Chief Investment Officer of L Investments and Young Global Leader

Ruma Bose, Global Dignity Board of Directors

Neal Keny-Guyer, CEO, Mercy Corps

Julieanne Fane

Registration / Tickets on eventbrite